some times i wonder what they were thinking when they made search in windows 10

  • 1
    What's wrong with the picture? Don't see anything wrong here lol
  • 1
    Looks like you're new to pycharm 🤷‍♂️
    Bing thinks you should go learn a few things, and it seems to think you learn mostly on YouTube.... so... what's wrong here?
  • 10
    @Stuxnet the "best match" is a web search for pycharm instead of the program
  • 9
    You just made me look up how to disable web search.
    3 quick CMD-commands you have to copy and you're free.

    Thanks for the motivation.
  • 5
    Me: c

    Me: ca

    Me: cal

    Me: calc
    Windows: Oh, you meant calc!

    (calc.exe is the calculator in Windows)
  • 0
    @kgbemployee Spotlight in macOS is not that good also.
  • 2
    Windows search: designed by the guy that wants everyone to switch to Linux
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