I have no motivation to clean my room at all. I've like briefly touched things up a couple times in the past months, but it's just...bad. I fucking hate having to step over shit to get to and from my bed every time I get up, but I just...can't do it.

  • 1
    Nobody has motivation for that

    Just get your ass up and do it. Takes 20mins max
  • 2
    @Krokoklemme wut? Cleaning my room takes 8 hours min.
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    @Codex404 Yeah same. My room is the entire upstairs of my house so it takes a while, and whenever I think about it, I realize how big my room is and just lose all motivation.
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    @infernalempress same, what I do is put on music and have a singcleaning
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    @M1sf3t so you suggest moving once a month?
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    Don’t do it. Clearly it doesn’t bother you enough yet so whatever... leave it until it does. 🤙🏼
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    Don't think of having to clean the whole room in one shot. Just focus on one individual thing that needs to be fixed, the easiest one that you can see, and do that.
    Even if that's the only thing you'll fix today, it's still better than nothing.
    Tomorrow you'll fix the next thing, and so on and so forth.
    Small steps in the right direction start to add up massively over time, as long as you keep at it.
  • 1
    I know that feeling all too well.
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    @infernalempress do one small thing. Move the thing you step over the most. Then when you think about how great it is not stepping over that thing, use that energy to motivate you to clean more things
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