Seriously, I never understood all the memes about google chrome eating ram. I am used to opening like tons of tabs and my general ram usage never exceeds 4GBs. What is the fuckery with all hatred against chrome, someone please explain!

  • 1
    Is there a chance you have a total of 4GB ram, in that case I highly doubt it’ll be able to eat more ram unless you sacrifice a goat to it
  • 0
    I think it's the same case with slow Internet Explorer. Chrome indeed used to use tons of RAM, but nowadays it's much better.
  • 1
    I dunno, I think it's people who only have about 4gigs of ram and rather complain than get a decent machine.
  • 0
    @mac-aga as you can see in htop I have 16gig
  • 2
    @AI-Overlord , the image is compressed , not very clear, but hey congratulations
  • 4
    4 gigs of ram in tabs ugh mercy please
  • 0
    @Quirinus That is only one gig ram for 11 tabs. I run in background PyCharm und Jupyter Notebook
  • 0
    4 gigs of RAM is absurd! There are AAA games, doing complicated scene rendering, physics engines, etc that can exist with 4gb of ram. The fuck does a web browser need that much for?

    Let's do the math. You said 11 tabs, 1gb. So if you load every byte into memory, no paging out, each site should contain 1/11th of a gig. Or 93mb. Which is almost kind of reasonable except if you've got 11 tabs open, and especially if you have 44 tabs open, it should be swapping out.
  • 0
    Use Firefox Quantum.
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