Funny story: Me and my dev friend once had a hard time setting up a PS3 controller even though we were two CS majors

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    CS ≠ good at dealing with shitry UX
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    Thats a common problem, same with printers.
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    I regularly have a hard time navigating the configuration options of TVs or stuff like that.

    Electronics manufacturers: You know you REALLY fucked up your UI when somebody paid to do programming cannot easily program your device...

    Besides, what's up with modern TVs / cable boxes etc. no longer offering the option to rearrange channels to your liking? Wtf!?!
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    @mksana even better TVs are those that let you do it for 2h, but completely reset the list when their firmware updates.

    Yeah almost threw it out the window...
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    How about a wireless printer? I heard it is the best test for any tech skill
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    @Nanos i have a wireless bulb( lifx), works great, and a wireless printer.

    I use the printer only with my phone though NFC so fuck it.
    I keep forgetting to give it a damned static ip
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    @Nanos true that, but I can RGB the fuck out of my bedroom :D
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    @Nanos I have a cheap ass samsung M2020, lase b/w

    Only jams when the paper is wrinkled and has never stopped printing due to dry ink, tonner FTW.

    I believe the trick to an easy IT life is to buy the right tech for your needs.
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    @Nanos yeah, i also normally go for the cheapest shit first, then I go for whatever makes more sense budget/quality/features.

    For instance, I got a smartwatch, the misfit vapor v1, for around 160usd, when other similar watchers are above 300 use, and I am happy with it.

    I also got a tomtom fitness tracker before that one, for about 60 use, it sucked, lasted about a year, lesson learned
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    @Nanos oh yes, accesories distract people from your uglynes (physical or moral), ver important
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    @Nanos the name of the game is ac-ce-so-ries
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