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    I don't tend to bother with stack overflow. The solutions are usually too technical, not to mention the fact that most of the questions that I have found have not been answered as they were marked as a duplicate lol.
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    I'm just wondering why some people on stack overflow are like that, they just hit when you post a question, seriously, all of them were just bunch of newbies some days.
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    I like SO but some of the community is harsh to newcomers. Just yesterday I saw a question that was down-voted within a minute of being posted because it didn't provide enough detail. Of course the poster updated their question then, but the down-vote stayed. "Welcome to Stack Overflow, we're here to help! BUT YOU BETTER NOT FUCK UP!!"
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    This is sad and funny at the same time. 😞😂😂
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    @parsadev If they followed what you suggest, we would not have the world's largest curated Q/A site which is basically the go-to place to search for answers but a mix and mash of wannabe programmers writing shit about everything without knowing, and it would all be a jumbled up space and nothing would work.

    @cervantes01 what do you even mean? It's literally a site for technical answers, so what did you expect? Btw SO also has forums for non technical stuff like for authors, mythology, space and stuff
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    @phreakyphoenix sometimes i have a big system with some crazy out of the box logic and i just want to do something specific, but that specific thing is automatically mentally tagged by the users as: Just a newbie programmer trying to implement something in the wrong place and they just keep asking why everytime. I dont want to explain my giant system just to learn how to use some function "where it shouldnt be"

    I atleast, when i stumble upon a question like that, i explain how to do and why its wrong or what could you do
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    Sometimes, the pressure to explain every aspect of a sophisticated setup can be overwhelming, especially when you only seek guidance on a specific function. Users must recognize that even experienced programmers overlook challenges when working on intricate projects. However, if you need advice and support outside your immediate circle, consider resources like Online Dissertation Help London, which can provide expert assistance and valuable insights, ensuring you receive the necessary advice to overcome your programming hurdles. Keep persisting and seeking the proper support to accomplish your programming goals.
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    I'm a new member and hope you can help me.
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    @darrenriddle I am a new member and have many questions and need your help.
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