
F**king Angular ...........

enough said .......

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    Any reason?
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    @Sumafu its a horrid bag of spaghetti. its trying to be a desktop language like wpf / winforms and its just terrible
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    @bluescreen I don't think that this is the target of angular. It is more a nice way to manipulate the DOM and some other things. The rest is HTML and CSS and some other things 😏
  • 10
    Maybe the problem is in the 8th layer of the OSI model, the interface between the pc and the chair... But anyway you should seriously have to know the difference between graphical libs (winforms) and frameworks (Angular)
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    @JackToolsNet just just a terrible framework. I feel sorry for anyone who has to use it day to day. The way that you interact with the DOM is just nasty. I think that Mvc is a nicer framework, but that being said I would much prefer to write desktop applications.
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    @sgzadrian oh I know the difference trust me having spent many years writing web and desktop code.
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    You just compared the two frameworks Angular and MVC. There not comparable, because there are different kinds of frameworks. Are you sure that you know what you are doing?
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    @Sumafu oh I know what I’m doing. I’ve been coding for many many years .

    It’s just a general comment on the current web technology stack. I’m fully aware of what mvc is and what angular is and what they do and don’t do

    From an overall perspective a framework like angular has to be the worse one I’ve come across that’s all I’m really saying.
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    Nigga really jus said he prefer mvc to angular
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    But yeah angular sucks ass, try vue
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    By the way, you can use Angular like MVC...
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    @Sumafu but it’s like having original coke and some other off brand cola, why bother and just have the original
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    Judging by op's stack, his lack of hair and the comment that says "many years", imma assume by mvc he means some shitty c# server side rendering
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    That shit is getting bigger and bigger with every release lol...
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    @tekashi cheeky asshole ain’t you!
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    @tekashi judging by yours I can see your a typical tolling ass
  • 3
    @bluescreen no, not realy. Because MVC is a coding principle. And actually Angular has the best requirements to use it like MVC.
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    Angular is probably the closest modern JS Web framework to mvc as you can get with it adhering to some object oriented principles yet not being oop. React and Vue certainly don't follow any kind of mvc pattern, having it all in one component.

    I have experience with both, definitely not as much as op, but enough to say that I appreciate both ways.
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    I still really enjoy Angular to be honest.
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    Simply using react as your view layer and doing whatever the fuck you want for the M and C or whatever else you want to do yourself is the best fucking thing. Can’t wait for Angular to die
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    I will just leave this here ........


    I can relate .... that’s all I’m going to say 😂
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