Hey guys / and girls I've been of the grid as faar as social media is concerned for quiet some time... I assume the IT-world ist still as fucked up as it was when i left?

What happend? (Other than jase creating and deleting N-numbers of Accounts)

Also ist @linuxxx still alive? I just got a certificate error accessing https://linu.xxx

I missed you, devranters... Bring me up to speed

  • 3
    I got a mustache then I deleted it and then it grew back
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    @linuxxx do you still own the Domain?
  • 10
    @Root quit hell, took a two-month+ vacay, and looked for work for a bit over three months. She got a (cushy?) job at last with a really nice lappy and 4k display.

    @linuxxx is still around, although a little less active presently. I don't know about the domain or cert issue.

    @AlexDeLarge is gone. 🙁 I still miss that raging asshole.

    My sister @Alice left, but she pokes her nose around here from time to time, so not all is lost.

    @blueNutterfly is still missing 🙁
    @-red has taken over the ++ flooding.

    @digitaldina is sadly very inactive now, along with others I haven't seen in so long that I've forgotten their names. ☹

    @rutee07 is my new favorite person on devRant, but she has been ignoring my flirts (and emails!) ☹

    @jAsE has been threatening to leave. But we still have @rEaL-jAsE, et. al. so I'm not worried.

    @SukMikeHok still hasn't shut the hell his mouth.
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    @Root thanks! I'll get back to you tomorrow I need some sleep...

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    @rutee07 ☹!
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    @Haxk20 I talk with him almost every day. 😋
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    @Root you forgot that @Floydian is still having a good night of sleep
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    @Floydian but but but... Are you still angry enough to rant?
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    @Root thanks again for the summary...
    Nice to hear that you found a job a bit more quiet! I remember you where pretty stressed when I left.

    Yeah I remember him leaving... Still sad! And in his Spirit: What a ******* ****

    Thnks for stopping by @Alice

    Honestly I dont know all of the users you mentioned but it is amazing to see that this community is still active.

    Food old jase...
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    @Floydian I am sorry to hear that... I hope you will get better soon
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    @FrodoSwaggins is still raging about JavaScript 😀
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    @needToRoll Managing, just trying to figure stuff out.
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    @Root I'm back :P I'm so sorry for being inactive ya'll are awesome! I got an internship for the summer and so things got crazy busy but don't worry I'll be ranting endlessly about applying for unis and all that pretty soon :D I also have been super inactive on Github and everything :/
  • 1
    @digitaldina Hiiii!
    You were missed. 😊
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