
Mighty Devrant gods.
enlighten me with your knowledge.
Best programming/"hacking" movies/shows?
(I've already watched Mr robot)
Even the cringe worthy but classic, must watch ones.

  • 5
    Silicon valley
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    Series: Halt and catch fire.
    On movies you have the classic Hackers from 1995.
    One I like (but other don't) is pi from 1998
  • 6
    Person of interest ( not technically hacking but I has quite a bit of it)
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    @Vikram already watched that (season 4 hype)
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    Computerphile ! Watch it on YouTube
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    @cako91 will be sure to check it out
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    I recently watched "Who am I"
    and I really liked the plot. totally recommend watching that.
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    @Paramite could not continue past the first 10 mins, too cringeworthy dialogue (I can only bear cringworthy **old** films lol)
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    @Paramite it's more like a firewall
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    @Paramite link to the meme (although it's probably stolen from reddit then posted on 9gag)
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    @Paramite 5/7 would fuck with Brendan again lol
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