  • 7
    Ah just ignore them, we CGI developers will always be around !
  • 2
    Mean stack development takes week to learn, max. That's coming from an android developer.
  • 3
    By MEAN Stack Developer i my thirst thougth was Make mE Anything Now Stake Developer :D
  • 1
    @Jilano Thanks! I hope it will...
  • 1
    @uroboros i learn Android in 24 hours :b
  • 2
    LOL. They've been saying that for years.
  • 2
    @noogli android is easy to learn. MVP and MVVM takes a bit longer to master with test driven development.
  • 1
    Remember that article that says Node.js is cancer? Yeah...
  • 1
    @uroboros that was sarcasm :b
    This person from the screenshot prob doesn't know what mean stack means :D
    I doubt mongo db has a feature but that's just my opinion after 5 years as webdev
  • 2
    @telephantasm i was about to mention that
  • 1
    Market is stupid.
    JS is the worst choice, always
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