Whether it's a good idea to host my very primitive web-app on Heroku or setting up my own VPS on DigitalOcean etc.?

Heroku will save me some time, but I'm not sure about the scalability and cost.
VPS approach means I'll have to take care of all the DevOps myself, even though I know a bit Linux to kick things off, this is still quite daunting to me.

Any suggestions? Insights? Rants?

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    @Charon92 Thanks for the suggestion! I felt that do it myself could be more fun too. Just don't know how well I can do this. I'm learning web dev right now and this is adding to the already pretty steep learning curve...
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    What kind of app?

    DO has plenty one-click install apps that bssically set up a vps from a blueprint with pre-installed software like node, php or a webserver.

    Ofcourse doing it yourself is more fun :D
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    @alexbrooklyn It's a simple Django/Python/MySQL e-shop app with HTML/CSS/vanilla JS as front end. It's a project from an online course I took. Nothing for real (no real traffic) but I do plan to build a real website with e-shop for my aunt who sells art pieces she created.
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    @lymenlee If you want to go for the devops route, please check out docker sometime, it's awesome

    I believe DO does have a vps blueprint for your stack, or the marketplace will probably have it
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    @alexbrooklyn Yeah I know of Docker, just never tried it myself. Will definitely check out DO blueprint. Thanks for the tip.
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    @lymenlee there are good docker tutorials at www.katacoda.com
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    @heyheni Thanks! Will check it out.
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    Or better yet, grab a decent older PC with the right specs and host it yourself at home. I just did that for a similar project as yours. So far it’s running a live staging site and almost have my setup sorted for CI. Just need to really get me head around writing more tests.
    You’ll have fun with it.
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    @badcopnodonuts That's a great idea to self hosting as staging server!
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    You shouldn’t just production stuff yourself as a sysadmin, but as long as it doesn’t have any real traffic you might as well again some
    ops skills. It really should just be installing apache and wsgi...
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    @lymenlee You’ll gain a lot of experience deploying Django and setting up your files and directory structure for it. Just start with a fresh Ubuntu server or something, setup firewall rules to allow you to ssh from your network, remove ssh passwords, install fail2ban, then do all your Django shit and you’re good to go for a start. 🤙🏼
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    @badcopnodonuts OK. Decision made! I'll check on DO and deploy myself, no matter how hard it is. Also if I want to host some other stuff I have the flexibility. So I guess it's worth the effort.
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