🤣 in the university I have a teacher who is really a Microsoft hater 🤣🤣 I'm always coding another things when I'm in his classes but yesterday I was coding in C# so he got angry and kicked me from the classroom 😂😂😂 what do you think?

  • 2
    Does he also have a linux pc?
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  • 12
    He could run around naked with a tux plush doll and would still be more professional than someone who uses emojis as excessively as you
  • 4
    Languages are merely tools we use to solve certain problems in software. There's no best or worst one in general.

    If he's a teacher and still didn't learn that then it's really sad and you should feel sorry for him.
  • 3
    @ganjaman you made my Emojis cry 😭😭

    I've never hear about using Emojis is unprofessional. I need to learn a lot from you, I think Ganjaman sounds like a professional name 😂🤣 teach me how can I be like you
  • 6
    You can edit comments so i dont get notified twice but whatever. Even if this story is true, which i highly doubt, he had all the right to throw you out of class, and im gonna assume that your post is about 30% of the entire truth.

    Also my name is the title of a song.
  • 7
    Kicking people out because of the language or because they were doing something else?
    If I was a teacher I would have kicked you out to and I am a C# dev.

    If you dont like the taught matters then dont come to the classes.
  • 2
    @ganjaman English is not my mother tongue that's why I edited... But I don't think you understand. I think you cannot learn another language because you are busy writing post against Emojis ✌🏻✌🏻

    A name of a song. Sorry, that makes your name more professional 😂
  • 6
    English is not my mother language either but im lucky enough to be multilingual so i wont go into that. Your professor kicked you out (if he really did) because you were intolerable. No person cares if you code during class, much less about the language you use. Im not a fan of college but the professors are there because they know a lot about given subject and you dont HAVE to sit there. You can go home.
  • 0
    @ganjaman my professor did it because he is like you. A fucking asshole who believes the only they do it's okay... The only think that I've learned from him is how to be an anti windows developer, because the most of the class time he is talking about that... And from you today I learned how to be an anti emojis person ✌🏻 thanks for your lesson
  • 3
    I think he kicked you out because you do "other things" and not because of C#.
    +1 for Windows hater though
  • 2
    @Konsole the funny thing is that we almost finish the semester and we just finished all the topics. Currently we go to that class only because of the attendance and he leave us to work in other things even he is laughing with my classmates telling jokes but yesterday he got angry because of c# 😅 and he admitted it
  • 4
    @Vanegas9090 if thats so than file an official complaint. You pay to be in the class and be taught something. If they have attendance they also need to be able to actually supply lessons.
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    @Codex404 I know but you know if you do something against a teacher you could have a lot of problems that's why I didn't say anything and I only went to the library
  • 4
    @Vanegas9090 well if the teacher is gonna have a personal vendetta against you after a single complaint then keep those complaints coming. In the end the student will win.
  • 2
    College and University sucks.
  • 1
    @Codex404 Ah nah, things just aren't that easy everywhere mate.
  • 1
    @exceptionalGuy if there are enough complaints year after year? Yes they will be. A single complaint does not help, and its people that think "a complaint is not gonna help" that make it less effective.
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    @Codex404 No really, it's a host of other issues. Like when I was college, I used to work on my shit in clas all the time because the professors were miserably inadequate in teaching (most of them, not all). There's no quality control of any sort. Worst is there are other students, who learn everything from the profs and blindly pass exams with great marks and they will never risk their grades for better quality teaching. To top it, there's an acute shortage of skilled professors and the ones we have have zero industrial experience which makes them useless even if they are somehow good at teaching as such. The worst part is, attending these classes are mandatory to be able to be eligible to give the exam so the only way is to sit there and work on your own stuff. The professors stop bothering once they realise you're capable of managing your own education without their help.
  • 1
    @M1sf3t yep. Honestly, I'd prefer a obnoxiously biased professor fanboying over the merits of using Linux than a nice professor who reads out stuff from a book and has no idea what's going on.
  • 2
    Had that one nice teacher, who only gives books
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