Do people still use gulp as task runner in 2019 out of own will?

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    I do, in combination with npm scripts, for a few jQuery somewhat legacy projects that I haven't yet migrated to Angular.
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    @thatguyatwork I do, mostly for compiling sass in old projects that are not worth to migrate to something else.

    What do you use? Because I assume you don't like gulp and using a more fancy task runner.
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    If you master gulp you can do everything you want, very much people may abuse webpack as a task runner but idk if the workflow is not just a single Compile or transpile step then I think more sophisticated task runners are in advance, does that make sense?
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    I find gulp simpler for the job if its just a smallish project that needs asset combining and a couple of other tricks and is quite nice to craft. Webpack is a headfuck for something simple. Or it was in <=3. V4 it got simpler but still gulp feels flexible if you don't need to do anything super fancy like tree shaking, parsing jsx / vue sfc's etc
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    Yes. still use it for old AngularJS projects, mostly to build a complex folder structure and piping multiple steps. Compiling multiple files into dist using npm scripts is a pain, gulp helps there.
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