Just committed a code review change with a heart emoji included, Turns out Crucible does not support this and it broke the code review, Spent the last half an hour trying to change my commit message to fix the review


  • 0
    Never tried it, but does the punctuation emoticon work? As in "<3", not "❤️"
  • 2
    Yeah, this is entirely your fault and i dont feel sorry for you at all
  • 3
    I don't think it's OP's fault.
    Emoji are Unicode, many languages use non-ASCII characters, so Unicode should be considered default when developing multi-language tools... Like in Python3 all strings are Unicode by default now, while in Python2 devs had to manually convert two string types.
  • 1
    I agree, Everything else worked, Even our homemade branch manager tool for checking out on the staging servers, It was just crucible.

    Either way it was a waste of half an hour to add a comma to the end of an array
  • 0
    Don't use crucible :-)
  • 0
    @muttley I wish we had the choice!
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