This post is a devrant related question for dfox and trogus.

What is the correct course of action if someone has quite a lot of low quality posts. I don't think naming anyone is necessary but the posts all follow a certain format

*title of post on news site* - link

Look, i'm all for posting whatever you want within reason so I suggested OP post said "rants" in the random category. Do you think maybe there is another category mor appropriate for such posts? What is the correct course of action if I find such a post in a category in which it doesn't belong, rant for example. Just downote as offensive/spam and move on, as I do with all memes that end up in rant? Should I alert the poster?

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    Post the username without tagging so we can all go downvote the shit out of them lmao.

    Maybe report the account?
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    @Stuxnet common decency, i don't want to start a witch hunt. Also, said user is quite estabilished, 4 digit vote count.
    @rEaL-jAsE not you mate couldn't ever turn against you, the first guy i interacted with on devrant
    @RantSomeWhere if at least that person would do a decent job of covering all angles but you know, muh agenda
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    @fuck2code we must cleanse the community with a witch hunt lmao.

    Understandable though. I don't think dfox and trogus would appreciate a mass downvote like this.
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    @Frederick i mean there's literally one person who does this
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    @Frederick I really wanna know lmao.

    Whisper it on my ear 😂😂

    How do I not know who it is. As much time as I spend on here, I definitely should know 🤔
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    @Stuxnet shshwooshaw
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    @fuck2code I've never heard a whisper spelled put before. 10/10 😂😂
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    @Stuxnet i mean, just scroll through unfiltered recent and you'll find said person.
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    Damn I really am fucking stupid lmao.

    It took too long too see that 😂🙃
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    @Stuxnet tbh I expected you to be more on that persons side. You know, with the whole

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    @Frederick @Stuxnet @fuck2code Aston Martin DB3 is awesome.
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    If someone posts something as a rant that’s clearly spam/off-topic and mistagged, you can downvote it as spam. The kind of content you’re referring to seems to indicate spam/irrelevance. We have a pretty broad definition of what counts as a rant/story, but if it’s clearly not tech/dev/work related, or doesn’t tell some kind of story remotely related to the life of developers, then it probably shouldn’t be a rant. I think news of posts closely related to tech are ok, but there certainly shouldn’t be ones outside of that.
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    @dfox the user in question posts links to articles that support a technology company he likes or undermines the credibility of its competitors. I suggested he post that kind of stuff in random since it is highly low effort and not what i'm looking for when I sort by rant. An example of such a post https://devrant.com/rants/2118915/...
    I am sorry if that suggestion was wrong and if necessary I will apologise to said user too.
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