
* !rant *

So I've been working since the summer on an app that uses NLP to record audio (I was thinking of using it for school classes), transcribe it and summarize it automatically

I've been using it at school and it WORKS


I've actually put an app that I made to make my homework and sum classes up and IT WORKS

  • 10
  • 6
    You tryna share 👀 lol

    Good job man. That's awesome
  • 8
    awesome! it's good that you've started early with your 15 years with machine learning. You'll have a bright future if you keep getting better at it.
    Remember to keep a portfolio website where you can show your great projects like this one.
  • 4
    wow, otro argentino...
  • 5
    That's friggen awesome. You could expand that out for business and meetings as well. Lots of potential here.
  • 4
    also write an email to the local neighborhood newspaper if they would do a portrait story.
    "15 year old student automates his school work" 😄

    5 years later perfect for putting this newspaper article in your resumé.
  • 4
    @heyheni I was thinking of using it for the whole next trimester, see if it doesn't affect my grades and then posting everything on a Medium article
  • 1
    @pereira Medium is a good idea anyway! But it's not about what you have to say. It's about what others say (good) about you. Which will give you an advantage and make the difference if you get to choose a good job or crappy one.
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