"you have been banned on account a. if you make account b you will be banned on account b."
- every subreddit ever

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    @theKarlisK wont work.

    The right to be forgotten has exceptions its not absolute.

    For example, your bank don’t have to forget your loan, and any site that have banned you usually can keep that information as long as you cannot get the ban reversed in court.

    Its main goal is to prevent companies you might have been a customer to at some time to then keep all history of your purchases.

    They can keep it for some time and they can keep info on late payments a lot longer.

    In the ends its all a matter of who’s need is deemed the greatest.
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    Please tag posts correctly. This is a joke/meme not a rant.
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    @theKarlisK yes, and also things like bans or similar.

    If the company/organisation claims they have a right to keep the info, you most likely would have to go to court to challenge that if you really want to be forgotten.

    But in a few years there will be a number of clarifying court cases indicating where the border is.
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    Well they are going to have a really bad day when they meet Jase!
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    Take a look here. I'm not a lawyer but I don't think bans are included in any of the restrictions.
    If you sue a company for not respecting that right it will be pursued unless there is a lack of evidence. Just don't expect USA level of compensation in the EU.
    In Germany fines for violating the GDPR can go up to 10 Million € or 4% of global sales.
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    @theKarlisK the GDPR concerns all personal information. You can ask to delete records of loans after you paid them off. Of course that won't work if you are still bound by a contract to pay them money🤷‍♂️
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