Fu*king Windows!!!

Integrating Linux kernel into their new build.
Microsoft Edge insiders experimenting with Chromium engine.

Microsoft has now bowed down to the open source community...

All hail Linus Torvalds!!!!
All hail Linux!!!
All hail Open Source!!!


  • 36
    You didn't win anything.
    This is their way of maintaining market share and giving users less reason to switch over.
  • 10
    @C0D4 embrace expand exterminate
  • 3
    @irene but I like to fuck it with my red pole ๐Ÿ˜
  • 2
    @irene ๐Ÿคท‍โ™‚๏ธ chrome and I have a long history of love/hate.
  • 3
    @C0D4 If it's coloration is prominent enough for you to qualify it as red, you should probably get that checked ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  • 5
    @CptFox ๐Ÿคจoh... is that not normal?
  • 3
    @irene ๐Ÿ˜well this is awkward.
  • 3
    @irene I'm not a negro ๐Ÿ˜…
  • 2
    Win?! Do you think Microsoft represent the big risk?

    Unix won the industrialized IS long ago. Do you know lots of neophytes using Linux?

    No ethics at all on our industry. The gaming market doesn't give a fuck about the depression trending inside his companies.

    Automation is reducing people to "Turkish workers"(Amazon term)

    Instead of making us better most of the IT products want to make us more stupid... Making people to want it easy!

    And you think we won?!?!
  • 3
    The old Microsoft motto used to be:

    1. Embrace

    2. Extend

    3. Extinguish

    So far, this could only be the first of the 3 steps. I'll wait a few years to see if Microsoft start "extending" Linux before declaring anything a victory.
  • 1
    @C0D4 disgusting. Chromium is just 11 years old.
  • 1
    @electrineer but in browser years that's like adulthood.

    We had IE6 for like 17-18 years and it's considered a grandfather now๐Ÿ˜…
  • 6
    wtf is this post? seriously, what the shittin fuck is this post??

    linus torvalds is a programmer.
    he started linux because it was his interest. he's not a folk hero, he wasn't trying to save or free people, although that is a nice side effect.

    his work and the effects of his work are admirable, but please don't romanticise them.

    hail my ass, no one is on anyone's side. we grant trust on linus' work based on merit. should he damage the open source community somehow the trust decreases.

    also, there's other programmers aside linus that work on open source, it's not just linus.
  • 0
  • 0
    *Embrace*, Extend, Extinguish. It's only a matter of time until they modify it so it's better than competition, until everyone uses their product and others can be extinguished
  • 0
    Skipping reading comments; All hail GNU/RMS!
  • 2
    Users:Linux is better than ms windows

    MS: integrates linux kernel into windows

  • 0
    Summary why Microsoft getting into Linux is exact opposite of win .. starts around 7min


    Why do you think, that when M$ took over GitHub, private repositories are suddenly possible? Part of the bigger goal to break the community from the inside...
  • 0
    @dontbeevil The thing is plenty of projects starts as a private project.

    You had a problem, want to maintain code, don't want to nurse a SCM server (or pay for private repo). Fine, throw it openly on GitHub and attach the usual "work in progress, i'm not responsible" header.

    When somebody was facing the same issue, they just searched if work on that was done before. Found an -ish solution in an open repo, extended it to their use case and in best case scenario did a pull request. Suddenly there was a tool with active contributors.

    But with many devs being perfectionists thinking "my code is not good enough", they will opt-in to hide their code. Which in effect will make it harder for open source contributors to find each other and build the tools (even if it would be just small tools, script and utilities) in cooperative manner.

    In my point of view - part of "one thousand paper cuts" tactics. On it's own, won't cause much. In the bigger picture? It's a problem.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil I don't recall google returning any repo from gitlab or bitbucket, when i was searching for my problems. So yeah, enabling the same on one of the last platforms, which was mandatorily open (unless you wanted to pay) and helped me to solve shitload of problems, seems like an issue to me.

    (Ofc we still need to distinguish personal repos from commercial product development.)
  • 0
    @dontbeevil It's not bad "just because it's MS, hurr durr". I'm happy Windows user myself and won't be switching to Linux any time soon. I don't conform to the "windows bad, linux good" paradigm.

    Still, watch the video I linked.

    "Embrace, extend, and extinguish" is official MS tactic and especially Alepin's testimony should raise questions, why MS is suddenly so open-source friendly.

  • 0
    We are Microsoft. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil how thick can you be to not read the wikipedia article @qwwerty linked? Do you need someone to spell it out?

    Have you ever even considered that no one gives a shit about your opinions because you will keep saying that everyone else is against you and whine like a little bitch?
    Rawr xD i'm like sooo quirky OwO i like microsoft owo sowwyy, microshaft.
    Get a hobby dude
  • 0
    like how windows 1/2 was stupid easy to pirate to get people to buy 3.1 when that came out
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