
What is up with this guy

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  • 16
    Haha what the hell? Almost made me laugh right out on the bus 😂
  • 7
    Everybody wants to rule the world.
  • 2
    @M1sf3t It is so subjective feeling I can’t write anything constructive about it.
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    Sounds promising xD
  • 4
    This is the first time I've seen someone looking for staff on snapchat.
  • 3
    @irene On some phones you can do screenshots with automatic scroll so you can see a complete chat history
  • 4
    @M1sf3t I just want to watch the world burn.
    But we can go with it making sense for now.
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    @C0D4 I’ll bring some beer
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    @vane I'll bring the esky and ice, it's going to be a long night 🤗
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    @irene 2 screenshots + photoshop
  • 3
    He’s about to sell you your own life. 😂 😂 😆
  • 2
    Everyone seems to be fueled up, driving left lane, pedal to the medal these days. It would be useful if they also had a steering wheel to keep their hands on though.
  • 5
    the ego of this guy.

    every line he says is a red flag of a manageoid.

    he sounds like he thinks he's in a movie. he probably cums everytime arnold does a one liner.

    what does think he's gonna do? cure cancer?
    no, he's just gonna pump more marketing into the internet and make it an even messier place.
  • 4
    2 weeks later... Hey I want you to hack the Pentagon and the nsa. I'm willing to pay u 5 dollars for it.
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    @thevariableman 😂😂😂
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    He's another of those self deluding fantasists, fuelled by the special brand of adrenaline they pump into salesmen. He doesn't have a product - probably doesn't even have an idea for one - but by God he's going to start selling it right now. In short, he's a twat.
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    There are cunts like this everywhere these days. Full of ideas of getting rich fast and taking over the world.. usually they’re selling isagenix or some other MLM garbage because they “own a marketing company” and you should work for them because they’re sahhhh amazing. Fucking wankers and these exact conversations.
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