  • 1
    Oh... I was about to continue my "spending on RPGs" frenzy when I realised that I had already bought all the DLCs for Witcher 3 :-/
  • 2
    just casual download speeds...
  • 0
    Aight my favorite RPG is TESIV:Oblivion, should i get this game?
  • 1
    @arcsector If you are like me and you downloaded a "demo" of the game and you liked it then yes :D

    I download a "demo" of most games I want to play and then buy them. (except the Witcher series... I played Witcher 1, got 2 for free from GOG and because I liked both of them I bought 3, then bought both Blood & Wine and Hearts of Stone and got GotY edition for free instead of the 2 DLCs from GOG.

    Seriously, GOG is like the best platform/online store I've ever used. Unlike on Steam you get to really own the games you purchased and they have really amazing deals.

    EDIT: Ok... I re-read your question... The Elder Scrolls are fantasy oriented games, right? I don't know if you would like a game that is more history-oriented and grounded in reality. (yes, you still get a quasi healing potion and what not but no fantasy creatures, spells and such) I think you would enjoy Witcher 3 more than KCD... but that said I think I like this game more than Witcher 3. You are not a hero in this game, you are just an ordinary son of a blacksmith and that makes it way more fun.
  • 0
    @bytecode thanks nytecode! I'll be sure to play a demo for each. My real desire is just to get lost in a world like oblivion again. It felt and still feels (I'm playing through it again) so real to me...
  • 0
    @arcsector ehm... the games don't have a demo version... I said "demo" in quotes because I download cracked versions of games to try them out before buying
  • 1
    @bytecode oh yeah i got that i just didn't have time to put it in quotes. Also sorry for misspelling your name
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