The performance is based on how much code you wrote that day.

Not mine though, i heard/read it from somewhere else.

But that’s fucked up, right?

  • 8
    Yup, that doesn't make any sense. You can be very productive by refactoring/deleting code as well
  • 6
    And do you have to pay the company each time you delete a line?
  • 1
    „We need them kLogs“ - IBM
  • 3
    In my company we measure by keystrokes. We install a small microphone at each desk that detects transient sounds and uses machine learning to detect key switches.
  • 4
    no problemo. write an auto indent linter thats adds random nop lines to the code base, and removes thems later.
    "wow! you wrote 3000 new lines yesterday? and you plan on doing a major refactor tommorow??? 6000 new lines? omg!"

    biggest bonus ever.
  • 3
    @Hastouki Still fucked up imho.. chats, emails, jira convos and jdjrjckskkxkvofkdfk + delete xx delete backspace gets counted... O.o

    But in all seriousnes: how would key switches detection help?! And if you paste something? Also what if you go on refactoring spree? 🤔
  • 3
    @sladuled you're thinking far too deep into the nonsense I made up for you. 🧐

    I use mainly vim and emacs (evil mode) so it's all key switches for me. Plus my mouse kinda resembles a mechanical key switch (Heroes of the Storm for my year end bonus)
  • 2
    @Hastouki lol well to me it sounds crazy enough to be believable 🤣🤣🤣😇

    I'm just glad that my company is not fucked up that way, to measure performance by the lines written.. O.o
  • 1
    Somebody touched my spaghett!
  • 3
    My company does performance based of JIRA points completed. I just take as many bugs as I can cause I can pop off 3 2 point bugs a day vs a 5-8 point story that takes me 2-3 days. Even when those are terrible priority and I got devs that will fk up the more important stories. But I like it cause I know they’ll introduce bugs that I can fix later and rack up the perception of my performance. I have probably less lines of code then everyone, but most JIRA points completed. But yeah basically I’m not incentivized to take on high priority important stuff even though I’m one of the senior/better devs on my team
  • 2
    @NSGangster this is fucked up.. o.O
  • 1
    @NSGangster what a gangster 🤣
  • 0
    @NSGangster seems you are part of the problem. Zero ethics, pure benefits, fuck the system.
    "It's not my fault the system is shit"
  • 1
    @mundo03 well seeing as I have no control over the system I’m going to use it to my advantage until they change it to where I’m incentivized to take the heavier workload. I do so much of my coworkers work when they come whining to me for help that then they get the credit for so I don’t really care. End of the day I’m a team player and the work gets done. I just game the system in place so it looks like I do more than I do.
  • 1
    @mundo03 also if my coworkers stopped introducing bugs I wouldn’t have any to work on so idk why You complaining I got a self-serving mentality to my approach. Why else you think I got this job? So I could spread my love of Utopian dev team practices for the benefit of a greedy corporate giant?
  • 0
    @NSGangster your incentive is that the system is broken, fix it.
  • 0
    @mundo03 I cannot change what upper management at a big company values. If I get in a position where I can I will but right now I’m pretty damn low on the totem pole
  • 0
    @NSGangster that is the same shield "it is not my fault the system is shit"

    You are part of the system, you have a voice, fix it.
    Or keep being part of it, do nothing and be part of the problem.

    This is general life advise, applies to everything you have, are and will complain about.
  • 1
    @mundo03 everyone I know ahead in life games the system instead of trying to fix it. And I’m doing just fine gaming it. Sorry I can’t be the Gandhi of devs.
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