
Can we please stop using a file structure (YAML, JSON, XML etc) and just changing the file extension and calling it a new file type?

Stop trying to make your software/framework sound more complicated by saying this shit, if you use something, own it and don't try to mask it...

And mini rant over...

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    If a .json file contains something other than JSON formatted data it wouldnt be called like that 🤔

    It dosent matter if the file is .shit or .othershit everybody knows it is probably a text file.
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    If you aren't masochist and you store structured data it's almost certainly xml, json, yaml or zip. However when I find random files on shared drives I want to know exactly which program they belong to. That's what file extensions are used for, and that's how operating systems treat them. Windows will let you open any file with winrar manually, but it will only ever bind default programs to extensions.
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    Nobody has time for that. Imagine you miss some functionality from JSON - you don't have the time to find something else that does the job and instead you do something hacky on top of JSON in a somewhat backwards compatible manner. Yes, it can be ugly, but it happens.

    Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/927/
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    That's why I use the `<filename>.<my-extension>.json` format in my personal project.
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    Also side note, the unity game engine is the fucking worst for this, everything is stored as YAML but everything is stored under the .scene, .anim etc extensions...

    It's YAML, if you call it something else, make sure it IS something else
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    @lxmcf but it's a scene, unity wants it recognized as one, and nothing is stopping you from opening it as yaml. And I don't understand your last statement. Why would it help anyone if unity used a different format just to call it their own?
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    @Lor-inc why not .scene.yml ?
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    @AL1L Because AFAIK windows only recognizes the very last extension.
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    @Lor-inc yes... That's why you'd put .yml, so windows, and text editors, know the format
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    @AL1L But you generally don't want to edit it with a text editor, you want to edit it with unity. For the few edge cases you can set up your text editor to recognize .scene as yaml.
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    @Lor-inc I guess that's true, I think the rant was more for like eslint and bable files
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