When i code a prototype, am i supposed to code it in a strong e.g. MVVM architecture or to code it however i know possible?

  • 1
    Since it's just a prototype, maybe just make it work. Instead of thinking about it's architecture and long term health of your code. That comes later when your prototype is accepted
  • 2
    I'd say that writing super shitty code is always a bad idea unless you are in a real hurry. However, if it's just a prototype, perhaps spending a reasonable amount of time on it is more important than making it perfect from the start.
  • 0
    @norman70688 You're right, but he said "strong e.g. MVVM architecture" so that can have a lot of code before making something work especially for just a prototype
  • 2
    Prototype == finished product
    At least to management.
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