Ecosia ad: "Are you still using Google?"

Might as well start with "r U sTilL bReAtHiNg AiR?"

  • 5
    Here before the screeching about that piece of shit DDG being better lol
  • 2
    Yeah, it's clearly targeting the less tech-savy to make them think that Google is now old-hat and no longer relevant.
  • 10
    @Stuxnet tbh you're 50% of the screetching I see in most posts 🤔🤣
  • 2
    @endor Shit it happens 🤷🏻‍♂️ (and a lot of the "xyz reee" comments are 100% sarcasm)

    But people definitely would go "Hur dee dur I use DDG" or something like that because it's fun to bitch about Google and other popular companies.
  • 1
    @FrodoSwaggins right on time 😂

    Thanks chief 🤜🏻🤛🏻
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    @FrodoSwaggins usable is an excellent way to describe DDG because that's what it is - at best.
  • 2
    @Stuxnet yeah I know it's sarcasm 😅 but at the same time it feeds back into the general screeching loop, which is a positive feedback one unfortunately :/

    Idk, maybe I'm just becoming too cynical about these things. Or maybe I'm just losing my energy to fight against bs. Idk
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    @M1sf3t I'm part of goose gang man.

    We got so many that wander the uni campus and even in the city, I ended up befriending a few & joining their gang.

  • 2
    @endor Naw you're probably right.

    I just do it since it's basically my personality here these days.

    Change might be coming one of these days since it's getting kinda old lol
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    Practically speaking, there are breathable fluids as an alternative to normal air.
  • 0
    @sbiewald Those aren't actually very commonly used though, are they? ;)

    I admit to generally still ... well, google with Google, but I sometimes supplement this with bing and/or yandex, and at times it can be revealing how different the results can be.

    Googles algorithms are clearly much better, but it's also evident that they influence the results in a way not aimed at providing you better results but at pushing an agenda. Sometimes this can be nudging you towards google products. Sometimes this can mean things are not shown to you on legal grounds. Stuff like that.
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    Funny thing, ecosia foes relate with breathing air.

    Switch to ecosia, plant trees.
  • 0
    @mundo03 would hardly call someone making an analogy (about the popularity of Google and relating it something everyone does) making them a "foe" of ecosia.
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    I'm breathing radiation, pollution and am infected with node.js
  • 0
    @Stuxnet that is not how it read.
    But ok.
  • 0
    Well Google is the only worthwhile search engine out there.

    DDG uses Yandex sometimes so that's a massive no no for me. I won't touch anything Russia related with a 10 foot pole, that country is just trouble.

    Bing... well bing just sucks
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