I'm ashamed to call Australia home. The adulterer who voted against same sex marriage because it would endanger the sacred family was elected again. I wish I was living in Saudi Arabia.

  • 4
    As a note, I don't care if same sex people marry or not. I have nothing against them. But this bastard lied, and yet was elected by people. That's a disgrace
  • 2

    I'll go to Europe within the next four years. I'm sick and tired of fossils running this country. I want to live in Germany, France, Sweden even. Much better than this circus of a country
  • 7
    How do you know that a politician is lying? His lips are moving.
  • 1
    Ask his wife
  • 1
    I can't believe there are people who would vote for him
  • 4
    At least they don't have say "The laws of mathematics are very commendable, but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia."
  • 2
    I'm all for abortion. I want males to have abortion rights as well
  • 3

    Here's an idea. Get out of the asylum and migrate to civilisation
  • 1
    We elected the amoebas
  • 2
    I wish i lived in a country where the main problem with politicians was that they are adulterers and vote against ssm, and not that they blatantly steal and are corrupt but i guess thats just me.

    Also this post goes against devrant rules.
  • 1
    Sounds like the rules were put in place by liberals
  • 0
    Literally what the fuck are you talmbout
  • 1
    Can you believe this is deputy prime minister of Australia? Carrying a piece of coal into the parliament like its the holy grail...
  • 0
    I want to die if possible... Right now.
  • 0
    I don't need courses in English. I know German better than English. All I need is smart politicians, and stable politics.
  • 0
    I love cold. Specially subzero. You can always wear one more layer when it's cold
  • 1
    Maybe you prefer Pauline 🤣, or Bob Katter
  • 0
    When it's hot, it will still be hot even if you get naked. But when it's cold, it will be comfortable if you cover yourself
  • 0
    Yes but you still feel like it's 40 degrees. Sweating like a dog.compare it to when it's cold and you wear a jacket...
  • 0
    Saudi Arabia
    North Korea
  • 0
    I need an aircon if it's above 15 degrees
  • 0
    No but it's the correct temperature for a server room
  • 0
    Yes. None claim to be progressive, nor they claim to care about climate changes. You know what you're dealing with when you live in those countries.
  • 1
    I can't believe someone have a legitimate reason to vote for something I see as old fashioned REEEEEEE
  • 4
    1- I believe there is a rule on this site of NO POLITICS.

    2- I am very fortunate to call Australia home. So if you are "Ashamed" of our beautiful country, march your ass out of here. I don't appreciate people talking shit about Australia because their candidate lost.

    3- I've noticed a pattern that leftists are the only group of people that trash their own country and talk shit about it when they lose in politics. It is sickening. This is what happened in the US in 2016 after Trump won, leftists on twitter literally apologizing to the world and calling US a shit country... and now we get leftists to talk shit about Australia... nah fuck that mate.

    4- This thread is a circlejerk anyways and my comment will probably be heavily downvoted...
  • 0
    @Frederick What I found shocking in 2016 was US universities. I mean, being grumpy when one's preferred candidate loses, sure. But students acted like crybabies and needed psychological counsel for weeks (if not months). What is this shit, have US universities derailed into daycare centres or mental asylums?
  • 0

    > this bastard lied

    thats half the qualification for the job.

    Make a game out of it.

    If you're any good at 'testing the water' and sizing people up, then while in line at the grocery store do this: Whatever their opinions are, parrot them back, agree, and extrapolate to things they agree with before they tell you. Tell it fervently, cloyingly, patronizingly.

    You'll have a dozen people lapping up your every word.

    Thats how easy being a politician is.

    They're paid liars. Thats really all they are. It's a dog and pony show.

    Your vote means nothing, why participate?
  • 1

    I'd pay the fine out of spite.

    Take your ticket and frame it on the wall.

    If it's mandatory to exercise your 'right to vote' then it's not a right. It's 'political consent' with a gun pointed at your head.

    Resist all bullshit.
  • 1

    Indeed I am. I drive very defensively around women
  • 0

    If there is a fee to leave then it's really just debtors prison.

    Follow the law because they'll arrest you if don't, or else don't get caught.

    But never consider yourself anyone's subject.
  • 0

    I don't care who wins. I only had one wish, and that was not to see coal supporters in power.

    Unlike politicians, I honor my promises. I have a four year contract. As soon as I am free of it, I will leave you in bed with Peter Dutton and Barnaby Joyce.

    Why should your comment be down voted? It shows the majority of Australians... They think they are super progressive, while they are conservatives. You have my up-vote for having put it to words :)
  • 0

    Whereabouts in this land of milk and honey do you live?

    Don't tell me. There might be a devrant rule against it RoFL
  • 0

    Big, blue thing? Sorry I have no idea what you're talking about...

    Maybe you mean this spec of dust?

  • 1

    They might stop thinking they are the center of the universe.
  • 0
    @NoMad would you be willing to discuss / debate politics?
  • 0
    @Frederick if you want to discuss politics you know I love a good debate. srd3v@tuta.io
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