
So my college has Apple iMacs and this is the pain I have to go through everyday.
Why can't they just clean it at least once?

  • 67
    You cant just kill all life on planet keyboard...
  • 7
    this is so gross.. 🤮
  • 9
    Someone's not touch typing evidently, looks like index fingers are kept on F and L
  • 3
    I wouldn't touch that thing with a stick from mile away 😂

    Do they not see that and think hey we should probably clean that? 🙄
  • 6
    It does give a nice soft touch, just like it has its own pelt
  • 4
    In all seriousness, there are things growing there. They feed off your dead, oily skin and the air around us conveniently provides moisture.

    So clean your fucking keyboards once in a while.
  • 3
    @theuser every life deserves to live. That's why I am a meat eater. All those cows and chickens wouldn't have lived if we didnt eat them.
  • 1
    @Codex404 I admittedly (and apparently) have a low IQ and not very good with logic, but this seems kinda illogical to me.
  • 1
    Doesn't he get disgusted to use it :O

    Damn I clean the keyboard every week! (I also have iMac at work)
  • 2
    I have an Apple Keyboard and I could not remove the yellow stains with alcohol no matter how much I rub it with a cotton. I used bleached and it looked white as new! Tip: Bring cotton balls and bleach.
  • 4
    @dudeking someone should take germ samples from each key and then graph the concentration, i'd like to see that
  • 2
    Complain to the college as they have a duty of care to their students and bad hygiene would definitely contravene this.
  • 1
    @theuser if we didnt eat meat we wouldnt have so much cows and chickens. By eating them we do give them a life.
  • 2
    What the fuck are you doing with keyboards up there??? Trenching.??
  • 1
    @theKarlisK lol
    just.. LOL 😁
  • 1
    I would do one of these:

    1. Bring my laptop so would not need to use that shit
    2. Bring my own keyboard
    3. If none of the above can be done then I would use latex gloves ffs
  • 1
    Im sure he is a gamer, FPS to be specific.
  • 4
    @nam17887 why FPS? Using the same keys for Minecraft, Fez, and a lot more games that are not shooters
  • 2
    @Codex404 I see you're a man of culture as well
  • 2
    @Mosesrocks I see you see yourself as a men of culture but there is no proof.
  • 2
    @Codex404 It's not much but it's honest work
  • 1
    @Mosesrocks yes you are a man of culture
  • 2
    Everyday? Ha. You better start bringing some disinfectant wipes everyday as well cos this is just gross. I don’t even want to see it.

    It reminds me of some people at work. Before I start doing anything on their computer, I go and grab some disinfectant wipes to wipe their keyboard before touching or simply just replace it. Wait till you see the ones with greasy sticky dirty buttons and food crumbs 🤢 🤮 😷
  • 2
    Is it possible this is a systemic problem? College not refilling toilet tissue so people wiping their asses with the keyboards?

    If so, just make sure toilets are maintained and keyboards will recover on their own.
  • 1
    The cleaning staff should cleane those. I mean, they do clean the floors and desks, right? They can just swipe it a few times with a rag and throw some desinfectant on it.
  • 1
    Do everyone a favor and break that shit.
  • 1
    Keyboard police please 🚨
  • 1
    That thing can only be cleaned WITH FIRE
  • 1
    It's like a heat map or something. Amazing.
  • 1
    That thing is about to grow legs and start attacking the office..
  • 0
    Update: The thing growing on keyboard has possessed me. It's now growing on my hands and infecting everything I touch. I have started to lose my memory. What is this place?
  • 3
    Real world heat-map of the keyboard
  • 0
    Admittedly my main keyboard has some of this, but dear God, not at that level
  • 1
    Did you considered to burn it?
  • 0
    I would never touch a keyboard like that even if I had a paper due the same day in less that 20 mins.

    I would rather eat shit and Clorox wipe the shit out of those keys.

    Phew, somebody stop meh!
  • 0
    @EclipseMain cleaning wipes? I would rather call a toxic waste cleaning company for that.
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