I have not gotten a new phone in years. I am happy with my current one but unfortunately you need fucking at least 4gb of ram in your PHONE to run apps nowadays so it freezes frequently.

Watched the launch event for the OnePlus 7 very impressed. Price: high but not too high.

What they failed to mention, and I only found out a few hours later from a reviewer (Linus) is that they removed the audio jack. Come on guys that's just a dick move.

There are still enough redeeming qualities that I will purchase the device (90hz amoled 1440p 93% screen display? *Drooling*) but I am disappointed and feel slightly conned that in your detailed, 30 minute overview of the phone, you avoided mentioning this.

  • 3
    Still rocking my OP 6. It's my first OP phone and after seeing the 7 I am worried it might be my last. I haven't been in love with a "flagship killer" brand turning into a flagship. They have slowly become the thing the swore to destroy.
  • 2
    @bhouston While I agree the way they are going is disappointing, I can see that eventually as a business you need to grow up and build better products if you don't want to be known as the "cheap phone" company, but rather the "innovative" type.

    Just makes room for another flagship killer.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm yeah...I just really like the OP approach to Android. Filled the void I had after the Nexus line got killed off. Just sad to go hunting again after only one phone with them (assuming nothing changes with them by the time I actually want a new phone).

    I totally see the logic of their business decision to go bigger. Just sad to see it happen.

    Other than the motorized camera and in screen scanner I really can't complain about the OP7 as a phone. It does look nice! The specs are impressive!
  • 3
    Too big, too expensive, resolution too high. OP is full-on caught up in Samsung's bullshit now.
  • 3
    @bhouston I think the Pixel 3A is now the flagship killer at $399 or something? Basically where OP uses to be...
  • 0
    @billgates Maybe. It has some strong potential. They did have to make some hard cuts to make a mid-range Pixel. I wouldn't mind seeing a matching 3A with a slightly worse camera and a little more under the hood instead.
  • 1
    Still rocking my galaxy s4 with oreo and I don't know what freezes you are talking about. Better wait for 5g which is months away.
  • 1
    @bhouston what did they cut. The promo page sorta makes it look gorgeous...

    But wtf ... Trade in value of OP6 is $240.

    Never settle my ass...
  • 1
    @bahua resolution too high? Wtf?
    My Galaxy S6 has a 1440p screen, and I'm never going back to 1080p again (reason why I hate the S10e).
    It's just way sharper and easier on the eyes, especially when reading text.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm Ayyyy... When I went to see a review of OP 7pro, I was greeted with Mi Adv. congratulating OP of their new phone and saying flagship killer 2.0 coming soon (also in one of the word there was 855 written in relatively small letters telling about their next phone to be having SD 855 too
  • 1
    @endor really? My 27" monitor has 1440p and I think it's perfectly fine, why would I need the same resolution on a 6" device...
  • 1
    @moars42 because you're standing much further away from the screen. The closer you get, the higher dpi you need to get a sharp picture - ultimately it boils down to angular resolution.

    Also, absolute higher resolution = more screen space without giving up on detail. If text size is a fixed amount of pixels, the more pixels you have the more text you can fit on a screen. Of course, you don't want too much of it, but neither too little - imagine reading a long text 3 lines at a time: it's terrible, and hard to follow.
  • 0

    I scale my resolution down on any phones I have. High DPI is a massive battery-suck, and I'd rather have battery life than detailed graphics.
  • 1
    @billgates for the Pixel 3A? The processor, the screen, the case. They're all things that had to be cut down to a lower quality to bring the price down.
  • 0
    @bhouston it still makes it a very good phone for the price
  • 1
    @AL1L I would say camera is good for the price. That's the only hardware item that's tough to match in the mid-range market they have found their way back to.

    I'm not saying it's a bad phone. Quite the opposite. I hope it is the first of more mid tier Pixels. There are some nice perks to the Pixel line that have me seriously considering it as an option in the future.
  • 0
    I fancy somewhat the new Samsung A50 with it's 6'4" oled screen with headphone jack, usb-c fast charging, 6gig of ram, dual sim and microSD, triple camera and inscreen fingerprint sensor. For $280 it's good value for money.


    but i probably will wait for a cheaper 5G phone later this year. 5G started last month here in Switzerland with ookla download speeds of 860mb/s.
  • 1
    @heyheni looks nice except for the looks. I wonder if samsung has managed to fill the 64GB with bloat the same way they fill all their other cheapo models: you can install one app of your own if you clear the cache first.
  • 1
    My one of the seniors in PhD just bought a $85 phone with 1GB RAM
    And I have to say he was satisfied when he saw the phone and used it

    The phone is Mi 6A with so few sensors and all... I was just touched

    I guess when people go in research they get less than enough money

    I must be prepared for it
  • 1
    @gitlog that's the phone that get indian internet first timers to the Internet right?
  • 1
    @heyheni nope that's the Jio phone that's different.
    That is cheap af
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