so... i'll probably be joining my first job in 17 days.
My profile is *supposed to be* devops engineer (not that i know much about it, they just felt i was better suited for it than java programming (and i do agree)), although, apparently, the offer letter states java engineer and i talked to them about it, they said that it's a standard template but u are chosen for devops only. i hope that is true.

mostly i feel really upset that college will be over, but i am kinda excited about the job too.

wish me luck guys πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  • 4
    Congrats and best of luck in your new job.
  • 4
    Congratulations and good luck.
  • 4
    @rantsauce @tme520 thanks guys 😊
  • 3
    @Electrux Congrats on the job, but... you are upset that college will be over? Is your college that good? Most people I know couldn't get away fast enough.
  • 2
    @bladedemon college? nah, i just miss the times with friends, the freedom of working on whatever the hell i want, and honestly my faculties were great! πŸ˜…
  • 2
    Welcome to real world 😏
  • 2
    @cursee 😨😨😭😭
  • 3
    @Electrux don't be scared, it's fun 😏
  • 2
    @cursee not so convincing with that smirk mate πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜­πŸ˜­
  • 7
    @Electrux OK, let me be honest:

    Welcome to hell. You will find enjoyment, you will find pain, agony and mirth. Depends on your perspective. But if you allow your mind to cool off, and I mean really cool off (liquid helium temperatures) you'll see it's a mess of simple and complicated problems, interconnected into a chaotic form. Luckily, you have the analytical method of thought of a developer, unluckily you will apply it. Keep the coffee mug filled and painkillers handy, you'll be alright.
  • 1
    @bladedemon wow... that was such a wonderfully written paragraph, i almost forgot the sad stuff that's written... but i guess it pretty much sums up what's gonna happen 😨😨😱😱
  • 2
    Be ready for Java as well... don't trust anyone on such matters
  • 0
    @randomnumber true... thanks a lot 😁
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