Once upon a time i had a great idea.
Because i couldnt be bothered to do anything productive i created a simple app in the C# that would look into every .js file (from a game that uses it for the gui/main menu) and search for "//todo" lines.

I did it mostly for kicks. I got that idea when i encountered one //todo in a file when i was trying to mod that game.

Yes i know grep exists: fuck you.
It would have taken me more time to learn that than to write that 20 line program...

The result? Over 30 lines of //todo with some briliant pearls in the type of:
>Temp workaround because X
>Workaround for race condition
>Clean that up

When i return home i will post real quotes. They might be amusing to read...

The game is based on a custom C++ engine. HTML, CSS and JS is used for main menu and some graphical interface in game.

The most amusing thing is that this inefficient sack of chicken shit is powering one of the biggest (no playerbase but unit, world, gameplay vise) rts that i have ever played.

But still in spite of a dead community, buggy gui as shit and other problems i love this game and a lot of other people love it too. It is a great game when it works correctly.

To the interested: JS portion uses jquerry and knockout lib.

  • 1
    Is it 0ad?
  • 0
    If you are asking about the game name then:
    = false

    But i will check that game out for sure.
  • 3
    'grep -ir todo' is hard to learn?

    Would be much more interesting to let the script search for the date each todo line was added.
  • 0
    @Gregozor2121 well the description fits, dunno about the js part. Its a good game tho.
  • 0
    What's the game? So much suspense...
  • 2
    This could be used to find vulnerabilities.

    "todo: I keep forgetting that my new credit card number is 74738383933 / 837"

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  • 1
    @ihatecomputers well not directly credit cards(yes I know that was a joke) but this is actually a common mistake for api tokens and login creds on A LOT of github projects. So much so that there are specialized scrapers just for github repos
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  • 2
    Oh boy. I just recalled a incident where the private keys have been send by accident and they had to revert the game version + one guy (community contributor) got yeeted from github for safety reasons (wasnt his fault)
  • 1
    @Gregozor2121 I know of a system where they used the public key for signature and released the private key to third parties for verification (in fact we received the complete key pair, which was surprising at first).

    This system was running quite a while when we started working with it, and it took a few days until a colleague found out what was going on after he was wondering why we couldn't verify the signature with the public key.

    As always, I'd say, security usually happens just by chance.
  • 0
    To anybody still curious the game is:
    Planetary Anihilation Titans
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    @ganjaman @Cultist @Quirinus
  • 0
    Ah I heard about it. Never played it though.
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