Enough is enough! I can't do it anymore!


alias pm='python manage.py'
alias ga='git add .'
alias gc='git commit -a'
alias gi='git init && touch .gitignore && printf ".idea \n venv \n node_modules \n out \n *.iml \n *.log \n build \n target" > .gitignore'
alias gp='git push'
alias gps='git push --set-upstream origin master'
alias gr='git remote add origin'


Much better :D

  • 0
    "grr", is hot here, isn't it?
  • 1
    You can remember all that?
  • 0
    @AleCx04 I have to glue two post-its on my computer and it takes me about two days to change my habit. But it is worth it :D
  • 3
    @AI-Overlord dude just get on zsh, the git plugin has it all setup and has some awesome defaults...
  • 1
    @AleCx04 what is there to remember? most git aliases are the first letter of each "word" of the command, no need to remember anything...
  • 1
    🤷‍♂️ i would just rather remember the actual name of the command and type it than do aliases.

    If he digs it i i ain't got anything against it. But it just add shit to the "stuff to remember" imo<-- read as MINE
  • 0
    @AleCx04 oh i see,
    i use zsh which expands aliases on <space>, so you can know what is it that you're going to run.
    but i can see the problem you mentioned happening with bash, which doesn't expand aliases, or does it?
  • 1
    Protip:make some aliases inside git
  • 1
    I have added alias sourcetree='open -a SourceTree'
    So I can simply open any git project by simply
    sourcetree ~/someDirectorty
  • 1
    I just want to tell you about global gitignores.

    git config --global core.excludesFile ~/.global_gitignore
    echo ".idea" > ~/.global_gitignore
  • 0
    If you're using oh-my-zsh, there's an amazing plugin called alias-tips. It'll print the alias of the command you just used, if one exists
  • 0
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