I'm using wordpress cause it needs to be able to be used by non developers. I get that. Also maintaining a reinvention of the wheel is stupid.

I'm stuck in-between the two while trying to come up with solutions that require little maintenance in the future. Less work in the present. And can be managed by non developers.

Maybe I should just say fuck it and hope they realize they need developers.

  • 3
    If your current wheel is a square than damn well reinvent it!

    Also there are many people who have already reinvented that and those other things also do what they are supposed to do
  • 3
    WP cannot be managed by non-devs, that's a simple fact. You need to update everything all the time to patch security holes, but updating may also break things.

    Non-devs may add content, that's WP's selling point, but don't believe for a moment that they can run that thing.

    If you need a low maintenance solution, you'll have to avoid any online CMS and go static, it's that easy.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop amen 👏👏
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop Amen. Go static with a Cms? Also possible. See netlify for example.
  • 1
    @ExGetMessage Hugo + netlify = life
  • 1
    @ThatDannyBoy we chose gatsby over hugo for our new project but I like both :)
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