lol what? My company offers $5k for referring full time employees... and $10k for referring female technologists.

As a female software engineer, makes me deeply uncomfortable.

  • 28
    I don't want my coworkers questioning my skills by thinking, "if the company pays more to recruit women, do they lower interview standards as well?"

    Because I'm damn clever and I've earned this. Obviously everyone needs to prove themselves at a new company, but I'd rather be starting from the default of "a bit of trust, with the rest pending" instead of "negative trust, final decision TBD, with the difficulty of overcoming a biased first impression"
  • 23
    Nothing like "EnDiNg" sexism by being sexist! :D

    It's funny seeing companies break their backs to not be discriminatory and completely missing the mark, which results in them being discriminatory anyways.
  • 11
    Damn just damn.

    Garbage just like this is why i say everything should be blind, just past code(if available) and coding challenges. That way the code speaks for a developer. But then again there are people that complain when that happens. Guess there isn't a perfect system cause somebody will always find fault.
  • 8
    @oreru nobody likes it when you bring up the thought of "maybe they just don't want to do it?"

    But it's a legitimate question that needs to be at least acknowledged but probably discussed.
  • 5
    @FrodoSwaggins I know it's an extremely small situation (and likely total bullshit), but I've asked like 15 females what they're majoring in and why.

    Most of them (I think it's 12, but I forgot) are doing something medical (nurse, physical therapy, etc) because they want to be able to help people in their daily lives.

    I'd say there's a bit of a maternal desire that some females have, which leads to an increased desire to help others and what not.

    But there's literally jack shit in terms of data to support this and even if there was data, it's probably not likely to support this. I'm just going by what I've witnessed, which like you said, doesnt justify anything.

    It's an interesting situation that probably doesn't have an answer.
  • 0
    Refer me
  • 0
    @FuckJava Are you interested in being a Scala (don't need to know the language going in, need to be willing to learn) in DC, Minneapolis, SF, Denver, or Chicago?
  • 0
    You asked the wrong question. Interested? Yes
  • 1
    @FuckJava Haha. Is "are you capable" the right question?
  • 0
    It's both.
    I am interested, but probably not capable of until some time in 2021.

    That being said, I've always wanted to work close to Star Fleet Hq
  • 2
    Send an email to HR with your feelings about it.
  • 0
    It's always trying to get women in male dominated jobs, but never men in women dominated jobs.
  • 0
    @Quirinus Of cours they do, very much so, but as those fields of work are more often than not in the public sector they don't have the luxury of offering recruitment bonuses, a high salary or other financial incentives.
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