What is your main operating system and why? I dualboot Ubuntu/Windows 10 because I like Ubuntu and I use Windows for games and design.

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    Windows 10 because it's the best got dang OS there is, I tell you what.
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    Manjaro deepin on my laptop (but gonna switch back to xfce to get that speed)
    Windows 10 for games along w/ Manjaro deepin on the desktop
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    I have duelboot Fedora with Windows 10, and I use windows only for Gaming.
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    I gave up dual booting years ago when a Windows update nuked my Linux install. I switched to 100% Linux as a result, and found that I really lost no functionality, except for a couple games I almost never played. With proton now, all those games and more work fine in Linux.

    So now my home setup is Ubuntu bionic, and I have a Windows VM in my KVM/libvirtd environment that I turn on maybe once every two or three months.

    At work, I have a 2017 MacBook Pro that runs MacOS High Sierra. Because the hardware on the latest couple iterations of the MacBook is a fucking disgrace, I just leave it at the office all the time, and use my Linux machine when I work from home.
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    OSX (MBP 15" 2018) because I like opening/using it in coffee shops ✌️😇

    Just copied an answer I've read in reddit
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    @Devnergy damn MBP looks cool when opening it in Starbucks 😂
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    So distinct! Nobody else has one!
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    Win 10 with Linux subsystem (Ubuntu) on my primary, because I do a lot of Skyrim SE/Fallout 4. A second machine with CentOS 7, because that is what enterprises use for the most part.
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    W10 as my primary, because work imposes it and so does gaming. But damn do I miss Linux whenever C/C++ gets involved at work
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    I'm running Antergos on both desktop and laptop.

    5 months ago I decided I don't want to reinstall Windows 10 every couple of months because it shit itself again after a bugged update.

    So far it's been such a smooth experience it's almost boring.
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    Dualboot Windows 10 and Manjaro, and CentOS when stability is needed
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    @CptFox both of those games work in Proton now, fyi
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