And we still have to google how to vertically center text with CSS 😅😅

  • 3
    What's the big deal? Stop whining, this is practically a tablet display.
  • 2
    I didnt get it
  • 22
    display: foldable
  • 2
    I might be stupid but it looks like it just switches modes between portrait and tablet, in which case it seems like the difference between a tablet visiting your site and a phone visiting your site. Automatically switching site layouts when someone folds/unfolds seems like it would be the biggest issue, especially since the useragent probably doesn't change.

    I don't know what I'm talking about though, I'm not a webdev.
  • 3
    @-Minty- the viewport would change. Just like web sites change layout when you resize the browser window
  • 1
    @ReverendLovejoy Got it, thank you. In hindsight useragent was stupid because an operating system doesn't have anything to do with resolution/physical size
  • 0
    Oh man I totally forgot, now I'm gonna have to retest all my android stuff. Rip
  • 0
    Nah, us programmers will be fine as viewpoint media queries exist for a reason. The phone case manufacturers however...
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