
Just saw that Ubuntu 19.04 extended the live patching option to desktop users and we no longer have to restart the system after a kernel upgrade.

And here we have windows which restarts after every bloody security update.

How come Microsoft is such a big shit that they can't put a feature like this in WIndows. They definitely have the resourses and the people. I think they are just lazy and don't think it's "important enough"

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    I assume there is too much old code in Windows where nobody knows how and why it’s working. They would have to code a lot new but that will break downward compatibility and that’s their main business model.
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    I guess Ubuntu will still break on any sort of distro upgrade on my systems, so it's even worse than Windows for me.

    That specific distro is ass
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    @filthyranter I feel you... I recently started a new job and thought about giving ubuntu a try.. Been using it for 4 months and it is by far the worst OS I've ever seen!!
    I can rant about it all day!!
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    @DangerousDev Really....
    A lot of people would seem to disagree with you.

    When it comes to programming, any Linux diastro is a quadrillion times better than Windows.

    Ubuntu might not be the best of all Linux distros, but it certainly is the most stable one. Especially if you get the LTS one.
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    @xkill If itbis the most stable one then I feel pitybfor those who are using other distros 🤷‍♂️
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    @DangerousDev More than 70% of servers run on Ubuntu where stability is of utmost importance. If it weren't stable, we would be running on Windows servers instead.
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    @xkill No doubt its more stable for running servers... But certainly not for 'people'
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    @DangerousDev Not sure what you mean.
    The way I see it, stability is the same. If the core is unstable, it will crash for 'people' just the way it will crash in a server.

    I understand that it might not have worked out for you and youmight not have liked it. It's just your personal preference. Doesn't mean the OS is bad or unstable.
    Devs themselves bother a lot about stability. I certainly wouldnt want an OS that crashes on me every now and then when I code. And most certainly will not tolerate an OS that forces me to wait for an hour every week because it had to install a 'security update' irrespective of whether I was doing something very important.
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    @xkill See there's a big difference b/w how servers work and how people use their PCs. I hope I don't need to elaborate that...

    There's plenty of important applications written poorly for ubuntu, say, SQL Workbench which has a serious memory leak problem.. It's a pretty large list. And ecosystem is an important part of OS experience.

    On the other hand, Ubuntu experience is itself fullbof bugs. Majority of times when I remove my external display, it just doesn't detect the remove or sometimes leaves me with just a black screen... And the stuttering!! Don't even get me started on that...
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    Now, I own a windows PC too, and if you are ranting about the updates, there are all kinds of options to pause or delay updates, or not install them.. A programmer, least of all people, can be expected to know his way around an OS! Only problem I've ever faced with windows is that if you restart your system when an update is ready to be installed, it automatically starts updating and it should not happen.. But again I have a really good config so it barely takes few minutes for me...

    The overall experience on windows is far far better than ubuntu! (except for the CLI experience I must admit)
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    There’s always KernelCare.com
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