  • 8
    I've been to stack over 3 times, copied one thing in college. Haven't used it since. I just make shit up as I go...
  • 6
    I barely use stackoverflow, a lot of times solutions don't work. And at the company I work we use a lot of internal frameworks where you can not ask on stackoverflow.
  • 2
    I mean stackoverflow is nice and very useful when you start using a new technology or get back to one that you haven't used for a while, but if you constantly need it then you're certainly doing something wrong
  • 4
    StackOverflow is nice for very specific and elaborated questions or just to recall the basics of a language... Other than that I prefer reading the docs of what I use most of the time.
  • 3
    Stack overflow is normally more of a shortcut to a solution than a solution itself.
    It's good to see what people have tried and what people recommend, but my issues are normally specific enough that all i get from SO is new keywords to use or sites to visit in my search.
  • 1
    Well, if api documentatons were not so useless most of the time, I wouldn‘t need to look up things in stack overflow...
    SO is mostly that for me. The missing documentation.
  • 1
    Then you never were a developer, not even a programmer (code monkey) I would say ... sorry pal
  • 1
    I'll get by on the docs in that case. Stack is rarely helpful to me anyways.
  • 0
    I only use SO on very specific stuff that has more to do with SysOp. For development I do not need it.
    ... Well, sometimes for Perl, but there PerlMonks is a far better resource...
  • 4
    I deleted all my stackexchange accounts about a year ago. I asked questions for highly specific problems where googling does not help. Either no answers, down votes or people having the same issue and I found the solution on my own.

    Nowadays, I rarely use StackOverflow. Official documentation, blogs and critical thinking helps more than this place infested with people too lazy for googling, beginners, script kiddies or just worthless commenters providing no value.
  • 1
    Pfew still a developer though!
  • 0
    Hi, i've had a very frustrating experience with android studio, dont mention documentation unless you want me shivering like a gulag inmate @sudiptodas
  • 0
    So great
  • 0
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