
This is why I love working where I work. I worked extra hours until 9pm to get an ITest environment ready for one of my customer teams. I came in this morning to a little prezzie and a thank you card signed by the entire customer team. This is what awesome culture looks like.

  • 11
    I am so envious!
    That really must be a great place to work.

    Whenever I worked overtime, I just got chewed out over something unrelated, or had the work ignored for a week or forever.

    To feel appreciated...
    That's the dream.
  • 6
    That’s awesome! It’s pretty disheartening to hear the other stories where people don’t get recognition for this stuff. You’re taking away time from your family, friends, hobbies, etc. to help them, so to be appreciated for it makes it a lot better.
  • 1
    @Root only true programmers appreciate root
  • 0
    What’s the black oval object on the desk?
  • 0
    Cool man, I have never witnessed an office environment like this
  • 0
    We usually get a nice pack of JIRA tickets, in one of 2 available priority levels: "not assigned yet" and "blocking".
  • 1
    @toriyuno wireless charger
  • 0
    @xzvf To be fair, that really is jarring and unignorable! 😅
  • 0
    A little story about a couple of objects on my desk. The Ors Dans La Boite was from our Scrum Master for attending our first Retro after adopting Agile. The Sorcerer's Apprentice is my avatar, so to speak, and represents me and my adventures in coding as the forever junior, especially the early years.
  • 1
    Are you sure you exist in the same dimension as the rest of us.
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