
I fucking hate Drupal

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    Drupal hates you too - no really it hates everyone.
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    @dudeking To be fair, I typed a massive, hate filled rant, but hadn't verified my email so I lost it all like a dumbass. "I fucking hate Drupal" was all I could muster after that.
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    @dudeking Hating Drupal doesn't need specific reasons, does it? ;-)
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    I fucking hate people.
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    @akarshsatija but india has so many of them. How do you cope?
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    @heyheni probably that's the reason I hate people
  • 4
    That thing still exists?
  • 5
    Everybody hates Drupal, it's made by aliens for aliens. Not an ounce of human thought has gone into it.
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    Never use it, I repeat never.
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    i've just remembered that about 8 years ago, I was asked to install a plugin into an installation of Drupal, so I read the plugin documentation which basically boiled down to 'code your own,'

    I've never looked at Drupal ever since...
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    @cervantes01 No kidding. The person who's position I took over had spent the last 10 years building all of these websites in Drupal (30+ sites) and then, as time went on, kept migrating them from Drupal 6, to Drupal 7, and some to Drupal 8. What really pisses me off is that it feels like the entire Drupal community is a mess. The documentation is dated and unfinished, 90% of recommendations are "there's a module/plugin for that" and who in the hell wants to install 50 plugins on a website to do basic things? Drupal takes something simple and makes it convoluted, and for what trade off? Everything is a shit show and I hate it.
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