I'm convinced Microsoft won't go open source partly because they are ashamed of the code

  • 2
    Or maybe because they monetize it.
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    partly: /ˈpɑːtli/, to some extent; not completely
  • 10
    They already have opened sourced quite a large number of programs.

    They wont OS windows but probably not due to shame.

    MS even was among the top 20 contributors to the linux kernel a couple of years ago ;)
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    There'd be too much FREE Microsoft flavors around if they do that.
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    I may or may have been on the Windows kernel team, and let’s just say that is indeed one issue.
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    @iamavalos win32 programming with Hungarian notation makes C look like a completely different language
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    Microsoft has already thousands of Open Source Repositories on Github. No organization on this planet comes near that.
    That they do not go open source with the majority of the inner stuff of their operating systems is understandable.
    They have also thousands of employees who'd like to have their pay checks. 😉

    Ashamed or not, big parts will stay closed source anyway.
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