
First day in the new job: They gave me this beautiful notebook...

  • 26
    Oh no, it's retarded 🙁
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  • 20
    Here before the official "ew windows" screeching begins lmao
  • 13
    @Stuxnet I think you're late 🤣
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    Is this computer refurbished ?
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    Sadly just a dual core. Would be quad core if the cpu was current generation and not old.
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    @endor Welllll it wasn't completely official and the statement could be left up to debate.

    Moreso, I'm here before "windows reeee" 😂😂
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    @Stuxnet 😋
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    @Root There we gooo. On cue too! :D
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    PwC lol
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    Linux Subsystem for Windows exist folks...

    But I gave up and just stick with powershell....
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    Today I'm getting my new lappy @work :) i7 gen8, 512G nvme, 32G ddr4. It's nice undeed to have such power.

    And I also asked to keep wind. filesystem as small as possible. To have more room for linux :)
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    Linux Reeeeee
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    That's terrible. Windows 1?! Couldn't have at least upgraded you to 3.5 or something?!
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    Dual boot exists...
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    Guys, I must use Windows because the software that I have to use only exist for Windows. I would love to have dual boot with a Linux distro but the notebooks blocked (can't even boot from USB or install my own software). Anyways I have my personal notebook with Linux if I need to do something there.
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    my comment may seem as I'm proposing dual boot to OP. It's actually directed towards everyone that complains him of not using Linux.

    I myself work in a company where Windows is required to run some apps.
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    @RustyCookie I totally agree with your mate but all in the building (as far as I know) use the same OS and most of them aren't programmers, ITs or anything related and giving Linux to them will slow down the job until they learn (which requires money and time).
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    @LuxARTS You can't install your own software? As a dev? What the crap?

    I would not stay long.
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    @Root Yes, I think the same but they use very privative software and have that guidelines so you can't use whatever you want.
    That doesn't mean that you can't make your own programs or scripts and use it.
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    I don’t trust companies that don’t trust me.
    I think I am professional developer and if someone doesn’t trust me so how the fuck he is trusting that I won’t run software that would fuck up whole company network cause I am already there hired.
    How about someone from a reception desk ask 10 people if they can pick up telephone before picking it ?

    Fuck corporations.
    Well do what you need to do there and get the fuck out before they transfer your brain to the hamster chasing money.
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    @RustyCookie Oh my. Where do you work?
    A hint would be enough 😊
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    @RustyCookie Amazon? Pass.
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    @RustyCookie If it was CERN I would have been incredibly envious. ☹
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    @Root Absolutely. My dream is to work in the LHC.
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    @RustyCookie I know lots of things they don't care about, and I'm not talented enough at the things they do.

    I may have seriously considered being a physicist, and studied it for years for fun, but that doesn't mean I am one. Not even close.
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    @RustyCookie @Root my brother is a theoretical physicist. He did his post-doc at Clausthal, and spent some time at CERN. We'll have these late night talks, which are pretty much one-sided. I just nod my head and make a mental note that I need to finish reading Zeilinger's Dance of the Photons.
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    Wrong OS tho 🤷‍♂️
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    @Froot You didn't read the comments, right?
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    Install devRant UWP on it... !
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