oh well

  • 12
    This is the exact web development equivalent of that customer service thing where an item won't scan at the check out and the customer's like "hahahahaha guess its free!" and the cashier is like "Yeah haven't heard that one before hoo hee hee good one, sir"
  • 5
    @Floydian new bandwidth saving mode. On by default for profiles with 14+ inch dicks only.
  • 2
    @Floydian my what?
  • 1
  • 2
    @AlgoRythm lol that was since april fools, great that I got to see mine too, because I missed it :)
  • 2
    @JoshBent Yeah but for like 5 minutes today it glitched and showed yours pixely.

    I wasn't gonna say nothing but then floydian did so I provided the SS i took.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm probably nobody came across my avatar and I have them off, so it was still in cache of some sorts
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