OMG people please stop being so fucking lazy... help me help you... RN I have multiple support people asking me to fix a bug that they can't even describe (and honestly I doubt it exists) and a fellow developer who refuses to give me a DB or migration to test his patch but wants me to merge it urgently. FOH and die, y'all.

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    @zoridan LOL I wish. I'd be happy if they could give me a SQL script that can convert my existing test DB to the DB needed to test their changes. Unfortunately these developers are "clients" so I don't have much of a say in this process.
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    Damn, sorry to hear that. I wish you luck u.u
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    Sounds like your support people are Aussies
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    @FuckJava Nah they are American... fuck I hate Americans so much 😂
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    @FuckJava maybe @HollowKitty is an Aussie so she calls them support people
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    @FuckJava 🧐as the Aussie in the room... what?
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    @C0D4 IDK what he's on either, I'm Canadian lmao
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    @HollowKitty Try working with Aussies. Tea Break; Brunch Break; "It's my lunch time" when production server needs a reboot,...
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    @electrineer No she is from the civilized world
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    @FuckJava I have no problem with a break, I have problems with mental dysfunction.
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    @C0D4 You know what. Self entitled lazy liberal voters = Aussies

    Look at our prime minister and what he said about laws of mathematics... That's a sample of Aussies
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    @HollowKitty Tea break when a customer's production line is down without telling them I'll be back in x minutes is mental dysfunction
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    @FuckJava yea but fuck the self entitled liberal aussies.
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    @FuckJava I interpreted your first comment as an upside down joke, as support people are the ones asking for support here
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    @C0D4 They will sue us, devrant, their hosting platform, the scripting language used for it, and the manufacturer of the mainframe which is hosting the VM running this website for PTSD.
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    @FuckJava UGH. FOH with this bullshit. I'm a left voter myself and many of the idiots I have to deal with are conservative. All of em are living in fairyland. If there's a correlation between politics and competences it's not one in favour of your personal fantasyland.
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    @HollowKitty I think it has to do with mental development

    One of the states here, Queensland specifically, is experiencing drought and flooding simultaneously. Their conservative senators are pushing for a new coal fired power station to be built there. Get the picture? Our last prime minister lost his job because he burped the phrase "renewable energy"
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    Um, no, i don't get the picture. You're being ravaged by climate change and so you want to exacerbate that?
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    @HollowKitty Well, not me personally. But yes we are being ravaged by climate changes and conservatives here are still looking to build more coal fired power plants, and export more coal. That's the conservative mentality here. Ignorant, climate change denier, and sexist. Sounds to me political conservatism is the equivalent of dumb and stupid.
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