
Damn these pihole stats... more than half of all requests are ads or otherwise unwanted. Mind you I've only had this running for about a week now but still god damn!
Also I use ublock origin on my main pc

  • 1
    @iKameo that block list tho 😮😮😮
  • 1
    Yep, that's how I found out that the Mobike app (a chinese bikesharing service) was calling home every 10 seconds (literally). Thank goodness for the custom blacklist.
  • 0
    How is your web experience?
    That harsh block list should mess up with something
  • 0
    @iKameo makes sense.
    I only use browser level blockers.
    i need ads for my work :(
  • 0
    @mundo03 my browsing experience is just fine, nothing is broken. However i still get some ads on youtube and facebook videos. If anyone got a useful list for blocking those I'd much appreciate it.
  • 0
    @iKameo welp... Ublock seems to handle most of YouTube's shit on my desktop but i guess I'll have to love with fb video ads...
  • 0
    @iKameo adblock plus can block youtube ads, there has to be a url to block.

    Can pihole block subdomain and path?
  • 0
    @iKameo well if it can do paths, I am sure you could block youtube com/lame_ads
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