Planning to write a new book called "How to get a relationship in tech".

First page: you don't. 99 other pages: blank

Totally not frustrated at all /s

  • 2
    I’m on one of those other pages then.
  • 1
    @Jilano I changed my shirt.. it needed a wash an all, plus a monitor upgrade coz reasons 😎

    i think the moustache was just buried behind the beard.
  • 2
    @Jilano give it a week or two and I’ll grow the beard back out 😏
  • 1
    Most software developers I know/knew have relationship, usually with kids. If you meant relationship between two software developers then I suppose I do not know about such, tho I do know about software developer and someone who is kinda like QA, so close enough.

    I think that main reason for this is that having relationship with your close co-worker is risky and you aren't likely to get into one with software developer from department or company you don't have ongoing business relations with.
  • 1
    Oh come in, getting relationships in tech is very easy.. Just define a foreign key and you're all set!
  • 0
    Getting relationships is easy. Just concern yourself with looking like you care about your appearance, and sometimes approach people, go out with friends, heck you can even try tinder and it will happen naturally.
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