
I’m too comfortable with using laptop’s trackpad and never use mouse.

I want to start using mouse.

I tried but trackpad was more comfortable so abandoned it

But i really want to switch.


  • 2
    I'd guess that's just a matter of habit, so it will feel unusual at first.
  • 5
    Start using your keyboard. Its faster and you dont have to move your hands
  • 2
    For me is other way arround I don't like pad and prefer mouse
  • 3
    I don't understand. How can you be "too comfortable"? Why do you want to switch if the track pad works for you just fine?
  • 1
    I've played first person shooters for years solely using a trackpad.
  • 1
    @BobbyTables Lol are you serious? You must be swiping like crazy!
  • 0
    try a(ny) windows machine, you'll look for the mouse like crazy 😋
  • 0
    @specialCardinal My first computer ever was a laptop and that's just what I learned to use. Plus I've never personally owned a desktop. So trackpads for me are perfectly fine. Just have to tweak the sensitivity a bit.
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