Installing ubuntu for my friend. We verified that the progress bar was in fact moving.

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    Why not mint?
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    @joaonunes he wanted ubuntu... If it were me I would do kali
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    Haha get Fedora, I've timed it and it installs in 10 minutes on my ultra slide HDD
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    @FelisPhasma Kali is for penetration testing lol
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    @TheInitializer That's why I use it!!
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    Just use the mouse and stare at the screen lmao
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    @rozmar564 No mouse on the ubuntu install screen. At this stage that is.
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    Old school progress bar measuring :-D
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    I asume that he wants privacy, ubuntu is not well known for that.
  • 4
    Guys common, of OP is installing Ubuntu for a friend his friend is new to Linux. *buntu IS the best distro for people new to Linux. More things work out of the box, interface familiarity, the privacy concerns regarding enabled by default search results were changed in 16 and the most of the resources for installing and setting things up were written for Debian systems. No beginning Linux user is going to need arch, gentoo, centos, tails, etc . . . And there's no reason to run kali as your main OS unless you work in security, even then Kali is more of a script kiddie OS, it's loaded with redundant software and you're probably better off with Arch and a personalized toolkit
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    Ubuntu is best option when it comes to "it just works" or "set it and forget it". Plus most projects have support for Ubuntu and that's not a bad thing.
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    That looks like a fairly modern laptop, even with a spinner inside and USB2 drive, I don't think will take that much time that you have to check if the bar is moving or not.
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    @port22 actually I think mint is more newbie friendly, specially if you use the cinnamon mint. It really comes down to the distro's variants and in my personal experience some tools I use at school are already installed, in ubuntu it forces me to install them first (well, some of the software... It varies too with distros...)
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    @port22 fedora: everything works out of the box, familiar and easy to use UI and good selection of DEs, way more stable than ubuntu in my experience, easier to use package manager, very customizable and easy to customize, a large selection of apps, etc. don't see why Ubuntu is a better beginner distro at all
  • 1
    New update : replacing progress bar by a spinning loader.

    Oh shit.
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