Do you know any good PHP IDE?

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    @irene ist there a good IDE beside PhpStorm that ist free?
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    May be sublime text, atom, vscode these are light ide
    php storm is heavy choose with your config
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    Whiteboard? Pen and paper? Chisel and a stone tablet? Chalkboard? Smoke signals?
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    If you want to become more disciplined, phpstorm..

    If want some loose relaxing coding environment, sublime will do. Or vscode.
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    If you’re going to be reliant on the IDE to do most of your work, PHP Storm.

    If you just need some IDE features like syntax checking, formatting, jump to namespaces/classes/functions ect then vsCode works well.
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    @lestradee vs code add plugins
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    PHPStorm. I've been comparing PHPStorm and VS Code a long time ago. It is really a hassle trying to copy all of PHPStorm's features into VS Code.

    In my comparison, PHP Intelliphense is not as good versus PHPStorm's auto completion, imports, etc.
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    @Jung His question is PHP IDE.

    IDE = PHPStorm
    Editor = VS Code (light Editors)

    In PHPStorm if do some arrow and type:
    it will automatically do: $this->

    i love it
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    PHPStorm is free for students and open source projects
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    @irene well it can be
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    @irene What's missing from VS Code to classify it as an IDE?
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    If you are on Mac (which I guess only I am) then Coda is the best.
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    @irene self appointed moderator๐Ÿญ
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    Phpstorm. You can configure it with any psr standard and inspect code, refactoring tools are fcking insane..

    But, if you need smth free, netbeans works well.
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    Prefer an editor, VS code is simply brilliant.

    PHPstorm in my opinion is a sluggish piece of crap.
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    Best ide is phpstorm, but good alternative is sublimetext.
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    @irene Vendor declarations don't mean much to me because there's no universal definition of IDE. What ones consider "just" an editor can be an IDE for others. So I wanted to know what's missing from VS Code in your opinion.
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    I now use an editor but I tried Aptana some years ago
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    @irene Ha chill out, it’s Friday
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    In short guys, we can't compare PHPStorm and VS Code. IDE can't be compared to editor.

    What's correct is: vs code VS sublime text

    We can't compare also react vs angular.
    React is a library
    Angular is a framework
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    @Stuxnet stone tablet isn't really lightweight
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    @irene so the argument should be:
    VS code with plugins or PHPStorm? ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I both like PHPStorm and VSC.
    Sometimes I don't like PHP Intelliphense of VSC because it is indexing too long with memory leak even if you are using OSX.
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    Have you tried Arch? I mean, it’s not an IDE, but who cares at this point.
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    @irene I guess you're trying hard to avoid answering my question :P
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    @Devnergy what does OSX have to do with that?
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    @620hun I use Arch BTW
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    @Jifuna please vote Irene as DevRant's first moderator.

    Irene how about trump vs VS Code? ๐Ÿ˜‚
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    An IDE has the ability (out of the box) to take full advantage of the languages / environments it was designed to work with and give a full range of advance features, like code indexing, auto completion, jump to definitions and files, build and test changes on the fly and detect syntax issues and more.

    And Editor (by definition) does not offer these features out of the box, yes we can add additional features to our editors to bring them inline with an IDE, in turn making them an IDE but they are at core, still an editor as the software does not include them out of the box.
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    Besides phpstorm, I've liked netbeans and vscode...
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    Find someone with a valid student email, register on jetbrains as a student and get a free copy for a year. Renew when necessary
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    @C0D4 Okay, but in PhpStorm entire language support is provided by plugins. I'm pretty sure you can even disable the PHP plugin and be left with a bare editor. So the difference is that PhpStorm comes bundled with plugins so it's an IDE and with VS Code you have to click "Install" manually so it's an editor?
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    @gronostaj with the current state of editors that line is a bit blurry.

    Think of notepad++ vs Eclipse, for a more appropriate comparison to what each are.
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    @helloworld back then i use Coda when developing websites.. pair with Transmit.. the good old days.. ๐Ÿ˜…
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    @pai-shinoda svn or git is built in so is ftp and mysql.
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    @Jung +1 for atom
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    Php storm 4 ever
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    I recommend Codelobster IDE
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