
Me: Hey, can we schedule a weekly meeting at <day, hh:mm>? I can give you an update on my work and we discuss upcoming problems?
Superviser (assigned especially to me): Yeah sure, come over, I'm free at that time.

Said day he comes 1h late, missing the appointment. Talking later that day to schedule another meeting for the upcoming week, he confirms.

Appointed day he's not there again, working from home. This has happend a few times now. They expect me to update our shared calendar or at least write a mail if I'm not available. He doesn't.

Could you fucking not?

  • 2
    Rude as hell. Should be brought to your chef's attention.
  • 3
    @beggarboy I'd rather first talk to him about this, don't want to cause bad vibes. But if this behaviour doesn't change, yeah, I should.
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