
My fellow IT-er just posted this picture of him being on his way to where I am now. But as far as I know, this isn't "station0" city .. xD

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    Picture is too dark, can barely see it.
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    @cpp0xc0ffeeee I noticed this on my phone too, but when looking on the devrant site itself on my pc it was clear as day :/
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    @cpp0xc0ffeeee Here you go :)
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    Gridlayout without col definition 🙃😁
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    "Station0" sounds like a cool name for a podcast or radio show that brodcasts after midnight and combines devrants, conspiracy theories, ghostly stories, and general weirdness.

    Who do we get to voice it though?

    Maybe Penn from penn and teller? If only because he'd be absolutely disgusted by the concept.
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    @Wisecrack Go ahead and make the podcast yourself :p Maybe highlight subjects from other podcasts :o
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    like a metacast. yes I love it.

    But my voice is shit compared to my writing, which is less shit. and I always need time to think, so doing anything live, which is the direction all broadcasting is going, is a no go for me.

    Maybe if I had someone to jive with, and bounce ideas back and forth. Be a lot more fun that way.
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    @Wisecrack So, someone to juice up with and fill the crack? :p
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    That sounds kind of lavicious. I'm not that kind of girl Xewl. I'm not even a girl!

    What do you take me for, a common dandyboy?
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    @Wisecrack Welp, my sarcasm is underrated xD
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