Hey guys...
Looking for a Framework or language that has:
- multi-platform (Windows + Android minimum)
- Easy to design GUI
- Native
- Can use file databases like SQLite
- Can use serial, BT, Wi-Fi to send-receive data.

I already used Python + Kivy but I think there must be easier frameworks for this...

  • 7
    *cough cough* javascript, react native *cough cough*
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    While I've never used your, it sounds like what C++ and ultralight can do
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    “Native” and multi-platform + across platforms built by different companies is not going to happen.

    My 2 cents, hybrid sucks. Learn how to build a native Android app and a Native windows app.

    Note: swift can be used to write iPhone, iPad and Mac apps. Rumor has it this year apple will be building a new tool that will allow development on 1 app across all 3. Maybe don’t neglect that platform lol.
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    @practiseSafeHex thanks, not interested in aplle shit...
    I know there are good native and multi platform. Python + kivy works very well, but takes to long just to write the gui... Was looking for something simpler and faster...
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    @practiseSafeHex xamarin does fullfill all of what you said.

    Its compiled to a native app and is cross platform
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    Java with jni?
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    It seems you want it cross platform. If you don't have that much of native requirements you can go for Ionic framework. It is easy to implement(just html, scss and typescript which is superset of js) and have good documentation and support. Remember Ionic uses webview so it will be little bit slower as compared to other approaches.
    Else go for React Native....
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    @k33da webview has a big security issue in it at the moment xD
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    Just thought this was relevant
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    @seraphimsystems haha, I think it is relevant indeed. Im assuming he wants to make something for his CNC?
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    @Codex404 actually your not much further from it. Mostly to interact with my android projects and make some Apps to gain some money.
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    @GyroGearloose the serial, and wifi made me think it would be for the CNC :)
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    The good old Delphi could do it. It can compile for nearly everything, PC, Mac, Android, iOS, some Smartwatches, and some TVs I think
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    @GyroGearloose a large percentage of potential customers will be using “apple shit” if you are looking to do this to make money, you should consider going with the market and not preferences.

    It’s also well known that the apple App Store has a higher likelihood of purchases than google play store.

    To me native isn’t really native if it includes huge libraries like these cross platform tools do. Sure it’s technically native. But what’s the point when it’s twice the size and drains the battery.

    Do whatever you are comfortable with and have access to build with. But there are a lot of benefits to putting in more effort
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    Is QT still a thing?
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    Not native but checks the rest of your boxes.. quasarjs, it's a Vue framework for writing JavaScript apps that run everywhere.

    It's the best thing since sliced bread.. like for real.
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    The last point is the complex one. Did u tried Processing? It's Java but Arduino-like (in fact, Arduino is based on Processing). It's very easy to learn and it's cross plataform.
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    @GyroGearloose C/C++ are reasonably cross platform if you use standard libs and do some #include juggling, and they're about as native as you can get :p

    I have a C/C++ project with a few common code files for Linux (would work on windows too) and Arduino.

    Also, Qt Framework would probably fit here too.
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    Thanks, guys :D Checking some stuff.
    I'll might just go with App Inventor (for fast android Apps)
    I liked Processing a lot... how powerful is it? access to serial and some kind of internet package is a minimum requirement (eventually I'll be making a server for IOT)...
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    Another question... What runs better on Android, python or C++?
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    Well, I guess I'm finally learning JAVA...
    Still, processing seams promising as the tool to do it all.
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