What do you have on your business card and what should i put on mine?

I was thinking "Technical Analyst" but i dunno...

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    On the ones i have now i have "software consultant". But the title depends on what style of business card you have. If it's a serious card pick an professional title, if you're doing something unique you can come up with a fun title within reason
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    Technical Analyst leaves me wondering and is too abstract. Maybe tell us more about what you do?
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    @zemaitis Thats the problem, it is a bit abstract. What i'm doing is essentiall 2nd/3rd line technical support, but quite often i find myself grabbing the oldest open ticket and dig into log files and configs etc and come up with resolutions for them.

    kind of like a 'fixer' for stuck tickets that have done the rounds through 3rd and 4th line support and 3rd parties.
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    @Jilano @seraphimsystems from the job desc you provided the role sounds more like tech support. Analyst is more associated with data science (at least in my mind). But use whatever you want anyways its just my opinion
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